Eswatini commits to addressing gaps in its Labour Market Information and Skills Anticipation systems

24 Oct 2021
Aspyee Admin
Eswatini commits to addressing gaps in its Labour Market Information and Skills Anticipation systems
Eswatini commits to addressing gaps in its Labour Market Information and Skills Anticipation systems

Mbabane, Eswatini/October 2020

While Africa's growing young working population has the potential to increase productivity and drive more inclusive economic growth. A shortage of skilled workers  however still exits alongside high unemployment levels, signalling a flaw in the labour market information systems  as they are not effectively matching  demand and supply of labour.

Against this background, and with the view to support strengthening of labour market information and skills anticipation systems in Eswatini, the Skills Anticipation Component, of the Skills Initiative For Africa Programme, commissioned a study to map existing labour market data systems, practices and capacities.

Key findings from the mapping exercise indicated that skills articulated in Eswatini’s development strategies are not aligned to the country’s economic policies and investments plans, and that systematic analysis of labour demand and supply projections was needed to inform skills development. The mapping study highlighted the need for Eswatini to strengthen its skills dialogue, and TVET coordination mechanisms.

The validation workshop took place on 7 October, led by the Principal Secretary of Labour and Social Security, Mr. Mukhaliphi, who noted that the mapping exercise had come at a right time, when Eswatini was embarking on addressing challenges in the management of its labour market information system.  He committed to work on addressing the system weaknesses identified by the study.  

Speaking at the same function, Ms. Prudunce Ngwenya, Head of Youth Division, and Acting Head of Education Division at the African Union Commission, reiterated that the mapping of labour market information and skills anticipation systems in Eswatini was in line with SIFA Programme’s overall objective of improving occupational prospects of young Africans through promoting employment-oriented skills development.