Knowledge Repository

ASPYEE - Knowledge Repository

The ASPYEE Knowledge Repository is an inventory of Knowledge briefs, Toolkits, Reports, Country Profiles and Publications curated through collaboration and reflection processes.

ASPYEE Knowledge Repository is an inventory of knowledge products curated to support practitioners and to continuously improve, innovate and replicate programs.
Skills Initiative for Africa
TVET and the future of Work
Skills Initiative for Africa
TVET Inclusiveness as Pathway to Economic Independence for Women Living in Nigeria's Informal Settlements
Skills Initiative for Africa
Model Gender Mainstreaming Policy for the TVET Sector
Skills Initiative for Africa
Experiences of students with disabilities in technical vocational education and training colleges
TVET and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities: Opportunities and Challenges
Build4Skills: TVET Story from Kenya
Namibia: Technical Training and Capacity development
Skills and Labour Migration
Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) Digest
Skills Initiative for Africa
Guide on making TVET and skills development inclusive for all
Skills Initiative for Africa
The Issues, Challenges and Strategies to Strengthen Technical, Vocational Education and Training in Nigeria
Skills Anticipation
Bridging the Gender Digital Divide: Africa’s Imperatives
Skills Anticipation
Bridging the Gender Digital Divide: Africa’s Imperatives
Skills Anticipation
Quality TVET for the successful training-to employment transition of Africa’s youth
Skills Anticipation
Navigating the Future: Skills and Jobs in the Green and Digital Transitions
Skills Anticipation
Alternative Financing Mechanisms for TVSD in Africa