Inside New Government Deal to Create Jobs for Kenyans in Germany

16 Jun 2024
Aspyee Admin
Inside New Government Deal to Create Jobs for Kenyans in Germany
Inside New Government Deal to Create Jobs for Kenyans in Germany

Kenya through the State Department for Diaspora Affairs has collaborated with the Federal Republic of Germany to negotiate a Comprehensive Migration and Mobility Partnership Agreement. 

This agreement is expected to facilitate the movement of workers between the two countries, addressing skills gaps and creating new job opportunities. 

The negotiations, which took place in two rounds, one in Nairobi and another in Berlin, were led by key officials from both sides. 

The Kenyan delegation was headed by the Principal Secretary for Labour and Skills Development Shadrack Mwadime, and Diaspora Principal Secretary Roeseline K Njogu, who served as lead negotiator. 

On the German side, the negotiations were led by Dr. Joachim Stamp, the Federal Government Special Commissioner for Migration Agreements, and Mr. Holder Schamber from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community. 

After extensive discussions, the two countries have finalised the draft agreements, which cover all relevant aspects of migration and labour mobility. 

The agreement is set to undergo internal legal and procedural checks by both governments before being signed in September. 

Once signed, the agreement will be implemented progressively with a Job Fair in Nairobi. 

Both countries have committed to complete implementation of the agreement through a Joint Implementation Committee.