Knowledge Repository

ASPYEE - Knowledge Repository

The ASPYEE Knowledge Repository is an inventory of Knowledge briefs, Toolkits, Reports, Country Profiles and Publications curated through collaboration and reflection processes.

ASPYEE Knowledge Repository is an inventory of knowledge products curated to support practitioners and to continuously improve, innovate and replicate programs.
Skills and Labour Migration
Guidelines for skills modules in bilateral labour migration agreements
Skills and Labour Migration
Training manual: On life skill, financial education, and entrepreneurship for potential migrants and migrants.
Skills and Labour Migration
Training Employment Services Providers on How to Facilitate the Recognition of Skills of Migrant Workers
Skills and Labour Migration
Global framework on core skills for life and work in the 21st century
Skills and Labour Migration
Training manual on the ILO guidelines for skills models in bilateral labour migration agreements.
Skills and Labour Migration
Practical guide on developing labour migration policies
Skills and Labour Migration
The Diaspora and economic development in Africa
Skills and Labour Migration
Mapping Multilateralism in Transition No.4. International Peace Institute.
Skills and Labour Migration
Migration in Southern Africa.
Skills and Labour Migration
Final Report for Southern African Migration Management (SAMM) Project
Skills and Labour Migration
The influence of EU migration policy on regional free movement in the IGAD and ECOWAS region
Skills and Labour Migration
Migrant women and remittances: Exploring the data from selected countries
Skills and Labour Migration
Reviewing the Region’s Progress in Reaching the Goals of the Second Decade of Education for Africa.
Skills and Labour Migration
Common African Position (CAP) on the global compact for safe, orderly and regulatory migration
Skills and Labour Migration
Labour Migration Statistics Report in Africa Second edition: Regional Migration Profile-Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).