Knowledge Repository

ASPYEE - Knowledge Repository

The ASPYEE Knowledge Repository is an inventory of Knowledge briefs, Toolkits, Reports, Country Profiles and Publications curated through collaboration and reflection processes.

ASPYEE Knowledge Repository is an inventory of knowledge products curated to support practitioners and to continuously improve, innovate and replicate programs.
Skills and Labour Migration
Migration Policy Framework for Africa and Plan of Action (2018 – 2030)
Skills and Labour Migration
Southern Africa – Regional Strategy 2020–2024
Skills and Labour Migration
Decent Work Country Profile South Africa
Skills and Labour Migration
National Qualifications Framework Amendment Act 12 of 2019
Skills and Labour Migration
Challenges of socio-economic mobility for international migrants in South Africa
Skills and Labour Migration
Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work South Africa
Skills and Labour Migration
ILO Youth Country Brief
Skills and Labour Migration
National Labour Migration Management: Ethiopia
Skills and Labour Migration
Promote effective labour migration governance in Ethiopia : program achievements
Skills and Labour Migration
Public Employment Services Provision and Labour Market Information Collection and Utilization ETHIOPIA
Skills and Labour Migration
Revised TVET Monitoring and Evaluation Framework accompanying the TVET Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan 2018-2027
Skills and Labour Migration
Reviewing the Region’s Progress in Reaching the Goals of the Second Decade of Education for Africa: Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Skills and Labour Migration
Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan 2020-2030
Skills and Labour Migration
Promoting Youth Employment in the Agricultural Sector in East Africa
Skills and Labour Migration
EAC Vision 2050