Online course: Labour Market Assessment in a Nutshell

22 Sep 2022
Aspyee Admin
Online course: Labour Market Assessment in a Nutshell
the labour house

The online course "Labour Market Assessment in a Nutshell“ is a practical guide to the implementation of Labour Market Assessments. The course is suited for decision makers in a ministry, TVET board, NGO or equivalent who want to learn more about the Labour Market. After the completion of the course, participants

  • will have gained a better understanding on the three-pillar approach to employment.
  • will know different labour market assessment types with their advantages and challenges.
  • will know how to engage actors beyond the report.

The course is structured into 6 nuggets according to the so called “Labour Market House” concept.

  • A general introduction into: What is the Labour Market Assessment and why an assessment is useful?
  • The rooftop of the Labour Market House: What are the framework conditions of the labour market?
  • The first pillar: What is labour demand?
  • The second pillar: What is labour supply?
  • The third pillar: How to match demand and supply?
  • The foundation: How to develop recommendations and how to use reports beyond the report?

Each nugget contains an explanatory part, testimonials from technical experts, further reading recommendations, links to other video clips and a quiz to assess the learning progress – and each nugget takes up to 30 minutes.

While the course is relevant for all sectors, it has a focus on Labour Market Assessments of the Orange Economy, also called Creative Industry. It builds upon the experiences from the Orange Economy Assessment that has been conducted through the Skills Initiative for Africa supported by GIZ and GFA Consulting Group. The course refers to the specific challenges of conducting a Labour Market Assessment of the Creative Industry (e.g. the collection of reliable data) and includes recommendations and lessons learned for future assessments (e.g. a more detailed analysis of learning pathways in the orange sector to address the higher share of informal training).

The digital format allows learners to set their own speed of learning and to learn whenever and wherever they want to learn. Thus, professionals can follow this course and adapt the schedule to their own needs and job requirements. After successful completion of the course, graduates receive an Open Badge via E-Mail to certify their acquired knowledge and skills.

This online course is hosted on atingi – the free and inclusive digital learning platform by GIZ. Go to and register for free to access the course “Labour Market Assessment in a Nutshell”.

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