Guidelines for African Countries to Undertake a Strategic Planning Framework for the Digital Transformation of TVET and Skills Development.
As part of the Pan-African Initiative for the Digital Transformation of TVET and Skills Development Systems in Africa two methodological guidelines have been developed:
1. Guidelines for countries to undertake a situational analysis.
In 2022, the Guidelines were piloted in three African countries and revised based on feedback from these countries, further research and reflection. The purpose of the document is to provide national stakeholders with a comprehensive set of guidelines that will facilitate a situational analysis of the nation state context and determine the nation’s state of readiness in terms of the digitalisation of TVET and skills development.
2. Guidelines for countries to undertake a strategic planning framework.
This document follows the publication of the Situational Analysis Guidelines. It also includes a set of templates for the consideration of teams that have completed a situation analysis and are proceeding to develop a strategic plan.
AUDA-NEPAD through the Skills Initiative for Africa is contributing to the Pan African Initiative for Digital Transformation of TVET and Skills Development Systems in Africa which arose from the AUC’s CESA TVET Cluster.
The overall objective of the initiative is to create an ecosystem that will enable the digital transformation of TVET and skills development systems in Africa in the coming years.