Work-integrated learning tools - Namibia


Tool focus

The tools are aimed at raising awareness of WIL initiatives and opportunities, and provide practical processes for stakeholder involvement. The tools have also been developed to support the implementation of Namibia Training Authority (NTA) WIL procedures and guidelines.

Target group

Employers planning to hire apprentices, prospective apprentices/trainees, TVET providers (TVETPs) partnering employers in the delivery of apprenticeships, industry mentors, NTA officials.


TVET in Namibia


Namibia’s economic growth is threatened by its dependency on low productivity sectors, a vulnerability that has manifested itself with high levels of youth (15-34 age group) unemployment, measured at 46.1% in 20184 . The need to utilise Namibia’s human resource through an efficient and effective TVET system is captured in the country’s ‘Vision 2030’ which anticipates the transformation of the Namibian economy into an industrialised and knowledge-based economy. Vision 2030 is being delivered through a series of National Development Plans, which include TVET objectives related to:

  • Increased enrolment, resourcing, capacity and provision
  • Linking to key priority sectors and enhanced pathways to general education
  • Enhanced sector leadership, management and quality
  • Increase private sector engagement in the TVET system to promote relevance and credibility
  • Improved financing, including linking funding to performance and outcomes
  • Introduction of competency-based education and training (CBET)

The Government of Namibia (GoN), through the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation (MHETI), is committed to enhancing TVET quality and relevance through the introduction of more effective models of Work Integrated Learning (WIL), which is equitable in definition to work-based learning.  

This initiative includes the National TVET Policy, MHETI (2021), with the objective to establish a sector defined by; increased private sector engagement, improved administration, performance linked funding, access and inclusion, utilisation of RPL models and enhanced linkages between TVET and the wider education sector5 . Namibia’s strategic vision for WIL is now been translated into reality through the design of Namibia’s Work Integrated Learning Policy6 , which is being developed under the leadership of the Namibian Training Authority (NTA) 7. This includes the realisation of WIL policy objectives linked to 8:

  • Establishing a WIL framework for TVET
  • Promoting increased TVET access and inclusion
  • Introducing financial incentives for employer engagement in apprenticeships and industrial attachments
  • Utilising Namibia’s vocational education and training (VET) levy to promote quality WIL delivery and models
  • Increasing TVET credibility and relevance to address skills mismatches and facilitate the transition to employment

To support the realisation of these objectives, NTA has launched, and oversees, WIL guidelines and procedures. These guidelines seek to embed models of employer engaged WIL that are funded through the levy and governed by NTA administered framework of procedures.  

The tools: Apprenticeship Training Employer Application Form, Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Booklet and Apprenticeship Flyer


The three presented interlinked tools described in this report have been developed by NTA, supported by GIZ, to facilitate the implementation of their WIL procedures and guidelines for WIL/Apprenticeships (these guidelines are described in a separate initiative report developed through this study). The guidelines outline procedures governing the planning, funding, implementation, monitoring and management of the WIL Policy and provide a framework that promotes; ‘collective intervention to skills development to address skills mismatches across most economic sectors in Namibia’.9

Key processes described in the guidelines include:

  • Defining key criteria, and associated conditions, for WIL/apprenticeship delivery.
  • Defining roles and responsibilities for employers, workplace mentors, apprentices and training providers (TVETP) to ensure the delivery of both theoretical and practical training in the development of technical, soft and ethical skills, and competencies.
  • Mapping pathways to Namibia’s National Qualification Framework (NQF L4) to ensure alignment with General Education levels.
  • Describing procedural requirements and mandatory documents for WIL accreditation and funding.
  • Defining perquisites related to the NTA workplace approval process and requirements for apprenticeship agreements and apprentices’ entry requirements.
  • Describing NTA’s monitoring and supporting roles and responsibilities and wider monitoring and reporting requirements for all WIL stakeholders.
  • Setting criteria for industry mentors.
  • Defining approaches to WIL assessment (use of logbooks, links to NQF etc.).
  • Funding, including information on requirements to receive levy payments and payment stages and milestones.
  • Conditions for additional funding for apprentices from marginalised groups.

The presented tools (application form, booklet and flyer) have been developed by NTA to help explain and promote these guidelines to key WIL stakeholders. The simplification of the WIL guidelines through the presented tools will help to increase stakeholder uptake of WIL and their understanding of the practical steps required to participate in NTA (levy) funded and approved training.

Tool 1:  Apprenticeship Training Employer Application From10

The NTA Apprenticeship Training Employer Application Form (2022) supports the alignment of WIL to the defined guidelines by focusing on key criteria described in NTA’s procedures, including in the following areas:

  • Employersdetails: including information on registration numbers and sector background. This will help to ensure that WIL is being formally recorded and mapped to sector activities and priorities. The identification of contact persons will also help with NTA’s ongoing employer engagement activities which is a key objective of Namibia’s WIL Policy approach.
  • Compliance: the compliance section of the application form maps employers to WIL process and guideline requirements. This includes in areas related to; registration status, mentors’ CVs and links to TVET providers (TVETP). This will ensure that, at early stage in the process, employers aware of the fundamental processes that they need to have in place before they can access NTA supported and funded WIL opportunities.
  • Motivation: the application form asks employers to consider why they would like to employ an apprentice. This will help employers to understand some of the wider advantages associated with apprenticeships and require them to think through why they are making a commitment to the apprentice and the WIL system. This section of the application form also asks employers to indicate where they are planning to recruit apprentices from, for example, from current workforce or new[pyee-Tool 1: Apprenticeship Training Employer Application From10


  • Training partner information: the application form asks employers to share details on their partner TVETP. This includes with an explanation of how; apprentices will be delivered through a 70:30 employment/TVET ratio and that training needs, schedules and estimated costs will be mutually agreed between employers and their partner TVETP for NTA cost reimbursement.



  • Mentor information: in this section employers have to demonstrate that they have sufficient in-company mentor resource to appropriately mentor the requested number of apprentices. This includes through information on the appropriate mentor/apprenticeship ratio required to ensure quality and safety levels and an overview of mentor responsibilities in terms of supervision and reporting.



Tool 2: Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Booklet11

The NTA WIL booklet supports the promotion and successful stakeholder engagement with WIL through further explaining key concepts of the introduced guidelines and processes. This includes by making the link between WIL, NTA policy and funding; ‘As part of Key Priority interventions, the Namibia Training Authority (NTA) has identified apprenticeship training as a key training intervention for funding.’ The guide also clearly describes the key features, roles and requirements of an NTA apprenticeship; ‘The apprenticeship training will require an apprentice to acquire the skills for an occupation in a company, while learning and working side-by-side with an experienced Artisan/Technician/Supervisor. In addition, the apprentice learns occupational related theory at a TVETP to complement on-the-job training in the workplace’.
These key definitions are then further supported and explained through brief explanations of why apprenticeships are important in terms of social and economic growth through promoting the transition to employment and who should get involved in terms of employers and trainees.
After the introductory section the guide provides practical advice on how stakeholders can participate in WIL through apprenticeships. This includes providing an overview aligned with the guidelines in terms of key WIL stages. This starts with the application process and key criteria that employers should consider before they apply, including aligning apprenticeships to:

  • Companies’ HR development plans, ensuring that there is a rational and strategic alignment between the employment of apprentices and HR needs/gaps,
  • Available in-company resources, including qualified (as defined by the NTA guidelines) mentors; This will help to ensure that employers are sensibly aligning their apprenticeship recruitment with resources and not simply looking to maximise NTA funding,
  • Developed TVETP agreements, including in terms of study plans, needs, schedules and costs,
  • Evidence of required company registration, and health and safety standards.

The booklet also describes requirements subsequent stages in NTA’s WIL procedure, work approval, funding agreement and recruitment and training.
Process Illustration



The booklet provides a summary of key features of apprenticeships which will help employers to understand what is expected of them when delivering WIL through NTA guidelines. This includes emphasising key features such as the need for apprentices to be employed and issued with a contract that captures their employment and training conditions. It also defines payment (as per NTA minimum amounts) and training requirements, including through linking to the Namibian NQF.

The booklet provides a summary of TVETP and employer obligations in the WIL process. This includes capturing the role of training providers in supporting employers in drawing up training plans, delivering theoretical elements and supplying relevant schemes of work, logbooks and qualifications. Employers’ responsibilities include preparing for WIL by: establishing and maintaining TVETP relationships, designing and utilising fair and robust apprenticeship recruitment processes and selecting and developing appropriate mentor resource. The booklet also references delivery requirements linked to equipment, safety and registration.

The booklet finishes with some employer endorsements, capturing the value of WIL engagement:

“It is a very good and progressive initiative that uses the VET Levy monies in a manner that will yield an overall increment in the development of skills capacity in the nation as whole. In the same breath, it encouraged our company to engage more trainees whilst remaining within cost projections. Also, I must commend the NTA and all those involved in the pilot project in the attentive manner in which we were engaged- we were given support at every turn. Thank you.” - Transworld Cargo

The overview and approach provided by this booklet will make the NTA WIL guidelines and procedures more accessible for employers and stakeholders, and help to provide valuable background on the type of information that needs to be considered for the application form.

Tool 3: Apprenticeship Flyer12

The ‘Apprenticeship’ flyer complements the other two tools by providing an overview of the key features of NTA’s WIL procedure and guidelines. This includes introducing the four key apprenticeship stages: application and considerations, work approval, funding agreement, and recruitment and training, described in the guidelines and WIL booklet.

The flyer also provides an overview of how WIL ‘funding will work’. This includes emphasising that apprentices being trained through NTA WIL programmes are VET levy funded, providing an attractive incentive for employer participation. The flyer also describes key features of the NTA funding model, linked to four payment tranches aligned with milestones for recruitment, retention and achievement. It also references funding conditions for apprentices who fail or have to repeat parts of their training programmes.

The flyer also provides an overview of ‘what is an apprenticeship’, describing key features such as earning and learning, and the combination of practical ‘on the job’ training with ‘theoretical’ TVETP delivered input. It also provides a high-level overview of employer requirements in terms of equipment, mentors, TVETP partnerships and understanding of qualifications.

The tool is also further supported by positive WIL images and clear details on how interested employers can follow up through NTA contact details.