Global Skills Partnership on Migration

23 Apr 2024
Aspyee Admin
Global Skills Partnership on Migration
Global Skill Partnerships - Your One-Stop Hub

Advanced economies often struggle with skills shortages in sectors like healthcare, attracting skilled professionals from developing nations. While this alleviates labor needs in the destination country, it raises concerns about a "brain drain" from developing countries – the loss of vital human and financial resources that could have fueled further development at home.

Various policy proposals aim to mitigate the negative developmental impact of skilled migration. One innovative approach is the concept of Global Skill Partnerships. These bilateral agreements between countries of origin and destination strike a balance benefiting all involved.

How Global Skill Partnerships Work:

  • Shared Responsibility: Origin and destination countries jointly determine who bears the cost of training new skilled professionals.
  • Fostering Development: A small share of the economic gains realized by skilled migrants in the destination country is dedicated to skill-building initiatives in the country of origin.
  • Real-World Example: In healthcare, an agreement could focus on nursing, with North African nations partnering with European countries experiencing nursing shortages.

The Global Skills Partnerships website serves as your one-stop hub for everything related to GSP. Developed by the Center for Global Development (CGD), the GSP model fosters collaboration between origin and destination countries. Origin countries train their workforce in skills needed by both nations, empowering individuals to either contribute locally or migrate with valuable qualifications.

Destination countries benefit from a skilled migrant pool, ready to fill crucial gaps and boost productivity. Origin countries witness a rise in human capital, either through skilled workers staying home or remittances sent by those who migrate. The model promotes development through technology and financial support for training, ensuring a smooth integration process for migrants.

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