TVET in Senegal is known as la formation professionnelle et technique (FPT) and its mission is to train qualified workers according to the needs of the labour market and the economy to contribute to (1) modernising the primary sector; (2) competitiveness of enterprises in the modern sector; (3) increasing the capacity of small businesses; and (4) improving the informal sector.
The government has opted for a diversified and integrated approach to supply by providing training in vocational and technical training establishments, upgrading traditional apprenticeships, training for job seekers, and on-the-job training. Its objectives include admitting at least 30% of those completing the basic education into vocational training by 2025 and strengthening access to and retention of women in industrial sectors. TVET plays a highly valuable role by offering a wide variety of skills to improve employability thereby contributing to the productive capacity of business organisations and industries.
This paper highlights a county-level overview of the TVET system in Senegal, looking at its policy framework, governance, and the involvement of the private sector in TVET. The aim is to provide an overview of strategies for the implementation of TVET to improve TVET reform and quality.