Zambia National Action Plan on Skills Anticipation

Aspyee Admin
Zambia National Action Plan on Skills Anticipation
Skills Anticipation

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) through the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) Programme has supported the strengthening of Zambia’s Labour Market Information (LMI) and Skills Anticipation System.

This process was preceded was preceded by a Skills Mapping Study to critically understand Zambia’s existing data sources/providers, its practices, capacities, and institutional arrangements for LMI and skills anticipation.The mapping study established, among other things, that Zambia’s LMI and Skills Anticipation System had significant weaknesses that hinder it from delivering the expected outcomes, and that the country needed to enhance all aspects of its LMI and skills anticipation system including its coordination and management mechanisms.

The situation analysis further established that skills identification and anticipation exercises were not systematically undertaken in the country. The study further revealed that most of the country’s universities, training and TEVET institutions rarely perform skills tracer studies to understand their graduates’ adsorption in the labour market. Furthermore, It was established that, labour market actors are generally excluded from the processes of analysis and integration of LMI and skill anticipation insights into job creation, education and skill development policies.

The analysis also established that the private sector was not effectively involved in the country’s skills development process, which adds to the low rates of graduate absorption in industry. In view of the above, the Ministry with the support of the ILO-SIFA Programme has developed a National Action Plan for strengthening Zambia’s Labour Market Information and Skills Anticipation System.

The Action plan will provide a basis for a strategic and systematic process through which labour market actors can identify and prepare to meet future skills needs for the labour Market in Zambia. The Action Plan is one of the interventions by the New Dawn Government to implement short to long term interventions aimed at addressing the challenges posed by youth unemployment, among others. Finally, the Ministry is proud to present this National Action Plan, which will provide clear pathways and comprehensive initiatives to aid the Government and its partners in delivering much-needed labour market information and skills anticipation. 

 Zambia National Action Plan on Strengthening Skills Anticipation
Action plan