Skills and Labour Migration Knowledge Sharing Platform launched!

02 Jul 2024
Aspyee Admin
Skills and Labour Migration Knowledge Sharing Platform launched!
Skills and Labour Migration Knowledge Sharing Platform launched!

The SLM-KSP (Skills and Labour Migration Knowledge-Sharing Platform) is a central hub for a vast repository of knowledge products, tools and resources on Skills and Labour Migration. Its aim is to foster collaboration among key stakeholders by sharing information on existing laws, policies and initiatives, promoting capacity building and virtual communities of practice as spaces for stakeholders to forge connections and exchange experiences and good practices. 

Key thematic areas of the KSP  include:

  • Skills Recognition: Africa, and more specifically, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), face challenges with non-recognition, non-compatibility and non-comparability of skills across national borders. This contributes to wasted potential, reduced productivity and the inability of employers to obtain required competences. The lack of skills portability is one of the main impediments to good governance of labour mobility. 
  • Labour Migration: Africa is experiencing evolving migration patterns, with increased intra-continental movement and a growing presence of female labour migrants. This "feminization of migration" is diversifying the migration landscape, attracting both skilled and unskilled workers across various sectors, thus diversifying the migration landscape in Africa. 

SLM-KSP is supported by the International Labour Organization (ILO), as part of the African Skills Portal for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (ASPYEE), under Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) II, a programme of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Union’s Development Agency-New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD), supported by GIZ. 

Click on these links to access and explore: 

SLM-KSP (Skills and Labour Migration Knowledge-Sharing Platform)

Southern African Development Community (SADC)

East African Community

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)



South Africa

Skills and Labour Migration Knowledge Sharing Platform launched!
POSTED: 02 Jul 2024
BY: Aspyee Admin
LAST REPLY: 02 Jul 2024
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