Knowledge Repository

ASPYEE - Knowledge Repository

The ASPYEE Knowledge Repository is an inventory of Knowledge briefs, Toolkits, Reports, Country Profiles and Publications curated through collaboration and reflection processes.

ASPYEE Knowledge Repository is an inventory of knowledge products curated to support practitioners and to continuously improve, innovate and replicate programs.
Skills and Labour Migration
Meeting Skill Needs for the Global Green Transition: A Role for Labour Migration?
Skills Anticipation
Professional mobility North Africa-Europe: The New Deal?
Skills Anticipation
The interplay between skills based labour mobility and climate change in the Mana region.
Skills Anticipation
Towards the professionalisation of TVET lecturers
Skills and Labour Migration
Making better use of Migrants' skills
Skills and Labour Migration
The THAMM+ Project
Skills and Labour Migration
Skills Mobility Partnerships: Recommendations and Guidance for Policymakers and Practitioners
Skills Anticipation
Building Better Formal TVET Systems: Principles and Practice in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Skills Anticipation
Elevating TVET for a just and sustainable future for all
Webinar Summary - Skills partnership for demand driven labour migration webinar
Pita Foliaki - Country Liason Officer, Vanuatu
Measuring Social Value: A new approach to measuring impact of Youth Employment Programs
Skills for a Just Transition to a Green Future: Measuring the South African TVET System and providing input to support its development.
Skills and Labour Migration
Middle East and North Africa - Regional Strategy 2020-2024
Skills and Labour Migration
Skills for Reintegration. Pilot measure in The Gambia