Skills Mobility Partnerships: Recommendations and Guidance for Policymakers and Practitioners

20 May 2024
Aspyee Admin
Skills Mobility Partnerships: Recommendations and Guidance for Policymakers and Practitioners
Skills Mobility Partnerships: Recommendations and Guidance for Policymakers and Practitioners

As countries across the globe confront new skills and labour requirements, there has been growing momentum around the movement of skilled workers and effective cooperation on cross-border skills mobility. Whilst cooperation on skills mobility is not new, it has not always been of benefit to all stakeholders involved: i.e. origin and destination countries, migrant workers, the private sector, training and education institutions and civil society. 

To leverage the potential of skills mobility to the benefit of all stakeholders involved, there has been increased attention on Skills Mobility Partnerships (SMPs). SMPs are inter-state agreements concluded between states to promote human capital development and positive labour market outcomes for both country of origin and destination. To set up effective and sustainable Skills Mobility Partnerships, this publication offers practical recommendations and guidance, illustrated through national and regional examples.