The interplay between skills based labour mobility and climate change in the Mana region.

20 May 2024
Aspyee Admin
The interplay between skills based labour mobility and climate change in the Mana region.
The interplay between skills based labour mobility and climate change in the Mana region.

This document comprises a literature review focusing on the interplay between skills-based labor mobility and climate change in the MENA region. 38 documents, stemming from academic and institutional sources, were analyzed. The majority of the documents were published post-COVID-19. The objective of this review was three-fold:

(1) To define climate change in the MENA region and skill labor mobility partnership (SMPs),

(2) to identify climate change initiatives that indicate future labor needs in the MENA region, and

(3) to review case studies and successful SMPs either in the MENA region or outside. The ultimate purpose, therefore, is to identify sectors, skills, and infrastructure for mutually beneficial SMPs to help bolster the MENA region’s resilience in the face of climate change.