TVET Country Profile : Equatorial Guinea

10 Jun 2024
Aspyee Admin
TVET Country Profile : Equatorial Guinea
TVET Country Profile : Equatorial Guinea

Vocational training is an important part of the national plan for the development of Education For All (EFA), which itself is an integral part of Equatorial Guinea’s strategic education programme, the implementation of which is related to all sectors of the country’s society. The Economic National Conference held in November 2007 identified vocational training as a priority for government action within the framework of its Poverty- Reduction-Strategy (PRSP).

The government of Equatorial Guinea has taken on board the importance of reducing its dependence on the extractive sector (oil, gas and mines) by diversifying its textile sector. This structural transformation provides a variety of opportunities to reform the national TVET system and better align it to the evolving needs of the private sector.

TVET plays a valuable role by offering a wide variety of skills to improve employability thereby contributing to
the productive capacity of business organisations and industries.

This paper highlights a county-level overview of the TVET system in Equatorial Guinea, looking at its policy framework, governance, and the involvement of the private sector in TVET. The aim is to provide an overview of strategies for the implementation of TVET to improve TVET reform and quality.

The general management of the entire education system is assigned to the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia). The Ministry of Education and Universities (MEEU) is responsible for technical and vocational education and training in Equatorial Guinea.